Bloom Blaum | Peach Sundress

Halter skater dress

braid out on natural hair

Hi Guys!

Today in DIY land, I think its finally safe to say hello Spring! I have been holding on to this one for a while but it’s high time we encouraged summer to roll in so here we go.

halter neck dress

peach sundress

I’ve been really into pink this spring -as may soon become evident in future posts- so when I came across this delightful coral cotton I knew exactly what needed to happen. This dress allowed me test out a few new skills; creating a wrap dress and hiding my seams.

diy wrap dress

I don’t think I completely understand how to create the perfect dimensions for a wrap dress so best believe there was plenty trial and error here! Taking this into consideration I tried to include a lot of allowance to account for the possible discrepancies.

dark skinned girlsbackless summer dress

Something I’m learning more and more these days is that the way you cut is EVERYTHING! You can not fix it in post :p. If you want a straight edge, cut a straight line, seemingly simple concept but I find myself doing the opposite too often. Also while we’re discussing cutting, always leave more than enough allowance. You can cut stuff away and alter to make things more fitted but expanding fabric is wayyy harder!

summer picnic outfitpink summer dress

Ultimately I love this dress! I love the way the color highlights my melanin, I love how girly it is, I love the dress up potential, frankly I just feel so ME in it 😀

summer vibes

Pictures by Willyverse



Thoughts I have in the shower

If I go back to bed right now what would happen?

Why do we cry when we poop?

Is there ever an hour in the day when everyone in the world shares the same date (given time difference)?

What kind of parent would I be?

How do we know what we like?

Do we like things because we think we should?

What would the world be like if money never existed?

I wonder how thick my hair is

What if Obama called and I didn’t pick up because it was a US number and you know, long distance charges (nahh it was probably a spam call).

Why do I keep getting spam texts any way?

What would I do if somebody harassed me on the street car today. I’d probably yell at them and threaten to punch them if they talk to me. Lol! no.

What if I’m stronger than I think.

Is baby talk a real language?

Why do people always talk to babies in that weird voice.

Do babies think grownups are kinda silly? Is that why they laugh?

Who came up with folk tales like “why the tortoise has a cracked shell” and why didn’t they just say “I don’t know” as opposed to the elaborate narrative.

What if the tortoise was actually pushed from the sky because of his greed.

Nahhh that doesn’t explain why they all have cracked shells.

Mmm I wonder how much its costing me to stay in here and think.