The most wonderful day of the year

Besides my birthday..that’s usually a pretty good day.

Christmas always makes me super cheery. There are the days and the hours before everybody arrives where we prep and I start bonding with what is likely to be my Christmas day lunch. Then the day is finally upon us and the house is filled with smells of all things fried and beautiful :). Yea I really love Christmas mornings.

Of course when the family arrives there would be a ton of chasing little children around, or should I say waddling after little children cause you’ve eaten yourself silly. and all the laughs (sigh…good times)

Then of course there’s the end of the night with all the cleaning up and goofing around

But at the end of the day when you have time to reflect, the point of all this is to celebrate the great joy that Christ brings


No More Excuses

IMG_0087-Begin Grey sweater

Hey Hey!

So I know its been a little while since I posted something here, specifically something fashion related. I have made a thousand excuses about why I shouldn’t or dare I say “couldn’t” post anything. “oh I don’t have any pictures”, “Oh I have work to do”, “Oh Peter Panky stressed me out and now I can’t post” weeell I’m done making excuses. I made this sweater in September and I’ve gotten a ton of compliments on it and even a few requests to recreate it for others (which I am going to do btw).

Begin Grey sweater

Firstly I would like to say thank you to WithWendy on youtube for posting the amazing tutorial that I used to make this sweater. I made a couple of adjustments and I think it turned out fabulously. I used 1.5 yards of double knit fabric. I would rate the difficulty of this project a 4/10. It was pretty basic once I cut everything out, my main challenge was when my sewing machine got drunk and did this…

IMG_0091-Begin Grey sweater

My sewing on this project was also not quite straight but I’m getting better though. At least it was straight enough not to make the sweater bunch up weirdly. I thought it would be a cute touch to add the little gold buttons on the cuffs. To be perfectly honest, I had a completely different sketch for this sweater but somehow I just ended up sticking to this. I have no regrets though, I would certainly revisit my initial sketch for a future project.

IMG_0086Begin Grey Sweater

One last thing; where is the best place to get fabric downtown Toronto? Cause my fabric shopping experience was so-so.