Fits and Starts

Rediscovering my blog’s purpose

willyverse image

Hi Guys!

Today I thought I’d go to my about page and try to refresh myself on why I started blogging in the first place. If you’ve never read it before here’s what it says :

Its all about that very first step. The fear of trying and failing should never be enough to keep you from the amazing experiences life has to offer. This is my first step, my beginning if you will, of taking hold of these experiences. I hope this blog inspires someone to think in technicolor. To try something they never thought they could do. Follow me as I share my thoughts on my ongoing projects, baking recipes and a few colorful musings.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Peace, Love and Respect,


Now as far as recipes go I think I’ve posted like one in the entire history of my blog (LOL!) but over all I still feel like this statement resonates with me.

I still want to inspire people to try things that they would ordinarily not do because frankly if I can do it anyone can! I don’t say that to dump on myself; I think I’m a pretty cool person :p but I knew nothing about sewing when I started this blog and now I’m over here crafting bomber jackets and what not.

I thought I would be too scared to write what I truly felt when I first started. It all felt a bit vulnerable and soul-baring hence why I didn’t tell many people about it at first. I still feel that way sometimes; when thing feel too new or too bold, I like to sit with them quietly and get comfortable with them before showing them to the world.

So on the topic of starting, there would be a few things in my life that would be starting this year. One of which would be my business with a dear friend :). We are creating handmade pillows and when things advance a bit more I would be sharing pictures and details and all that jazz, but yea 😀 I’m pretty excited and very nervous.

I’m glad I re-read my about page today. It made me feel all warm and content on the inside. I’ve thought about re-branding my blog many times because frankly if you googled “Begin” you’re probably just going to get the definition of the word but until I find something that still speaks this message, I think I’ll stay put.

Well this ended up being a lot more conversational than I anticipated 😛

Hope you’re all having a great week!

Picture by Willyverse


Love Lessons

Thoughts before Valentine’s Day

Hey Guys!

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So Valentine’s day has crept up on us yet again and the overwhelming feeling of despair is setting in…what cute and affordable thing can I get this person (cause to be real Christmas wasn’t so long ago and gifts ain’t cheap), is there somewhere I can build-a-bae? cause I’m not trying to be alone for yet another year, and of course the people who are gearing up to declare their undying love to an unsuspecting crush on this one special day.

Now I was prepared to give some kind of love advice, you know; get her flowers, write her letters, brush her hair and feed her grapes but the truth is, I know nothing!

Last year I got all deep and spoke about the meaning of love and everything I said there still stands so if you’re trying to decide if you love someone feel free to check that out :).

But yes, I have come to terms with the fact that I know next to nothing on the “affairs of the heart”. It’s funny because in high school I considered myself to be the “dear Dolly” of my peers. I had advice on deck for every relationship question known to my teenage mind. Boyfriend not answering your texts? Want him to ask you out? Feeling pressured to stay? I had a response for EVERYTHING! The only problem was that people just never seemed to listen.

I would spend hours advising a friend on why she should leave the toxic relationship that she’s in and she would agree with me only to call me a few days later to tell me that they made up -_-.

I have come to realize however that I wasn’t giving any revolutionary advice. 9 times out of 10 she probably knew exactly what was right and she also knew she wasn’t ready to do what was right. This is the part that baffles me till today, especially when I see myself following the exact same patterns (*gasp!*).

Maybe we’re not really looking for advice but just speaking so we can hear it out loud or maybe we’re really all just a little bit crazy and we don’t want to do what we know would be best.

I don’t know why we do the things we do (and I’m saying we because I feel most people have fallen into this trap of foolishness at some point).

Maybe I do have one teeny tiny piece of advice: Someone thinks you’re more than good enough, Someone wants to be the reason you smile at your phone randomly and there is definitely someone who wants to brush your hair and feed you grapes :p. So don’t sweat it…life, love and lessons happen 🙂 and you’re doing just fine!

Happy almost Valentine’s day.

5 Things I learned after Uni

Straight outta UofT

Hi Guys!

I have wanted to do this post for a while but I wanted to wait for any extra surprises life may throw my way. Anyhow I feel like I have gathered sufficient data to help the upcoming alumni. (Congrats btw 😀 you’re super close to the end!)

  1. Free Food is not a thing!
Free Food
Newp, absolutely no one has said this 😦

I know!!!! Dry your eyes dear friend but yes it’s true! There are no real life equivalents of student groups trying to lure you with free food, No meal plans (even though you technically paid for that), There are no student unions offering pancakes and movies. Simply put, if you want food you have to pay or at the very least settle for the teeny tiny samples. If you have lived on campus for the entire duration of your studies, this would probably hit you as hard as it hit me. Brace yourselves, you’re about to spend a small *cough* huge *cough* fortune feeding yourself.

2. You can’t just walk everywhere

Well of course if everything plays out exactly how you want it, this may not apply, however it is far more likely that you would have to cough up more cash on transportation than ever before. Again this is particularly true for people who never lived off campus, the rest of you may be very well versed in paying for metropasses however I almost cried as that $141.50 left my account for the first time. After my first few weeks of living off campus, this is how my life looked:

Friend: Hey! we should grab lunch

Me: Sure thing!

Metropass: Well transportation wouldn’t be an issue

Bank Account: Lol! Girl bye!


look aint happening
Not Happening Today Hunny

3. Jobs are not tailored for you and your minimal experience

Oh job hunting was spit-on-your-neck-fantastic! Fresh out of school and somehow when you were focusing on your studies, being involved in extra-curriculars, maintaining a social life and sleeping, you were also supposed to gaining at least 3 years worth of relevant experience. 🙂 Isn’t that just grand? Or the people that would have the guts to suggest unpaid work!!! Excuse me, I’m about $2.00 away from starving to death and you want me to arrive at your location 5 days a week for nothing? Please stop.

job experience

4. You can’t just “chill”

Yes, you just completed one of the most exhausting school years of your life. Yes, right now you just want to take naps an sip mojitos. Yes, it would be nice if you could just get a weekly stipend to fund your turn ups and vacations. But no! Everybody and their unborn child will ask you what you’re doing next. How about we all just agree that I’m being fabulous and that’s all there is to it. Sadly fabulous won’t pay your bills (unless of course you’re Kimora Lee).

Can't adult today
Not today please

5. Stay Connected

After you’ve said your goodbyes and returned your gown and hood, it would become glaring obvious that the thing that tethered you to many of the people in your life right now, has ended. (Yay for alliteration). It would be extremely easy to disconnect and start your life all over again but I can say from experience that I’m thankful for all of the friends I have kept in touch with since graduation. You all make my life feel full and fuzzy ❤