Reboot | A vegan dinner

Trying new things

Hi Guys!

This isn’t a fashion post but I still wanted to blog anyway. As you may or may not have noticed I don’t sew everyday so if you assumed that I fill my other days with eating cakes and crumpets well you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. I like good food and I cannot lie. It could be anything from a Kit Kat bar to Epkang Nkukwo but your girl doesn’t mind snacking on a thing or two at any given point. My mum and sister are both food bloggers so even more opportunities to support the snackery.

This weekend, I took my mum to a vegan restaurant. Yes, my Nigerian mother agreed to vegan food. With MINIMAL persuasion!!!! Let’s just sit on that for a quick second. I’m still wondering what the catch was. She only mentioned meat once during the entire dinner and I feel we truly judged the food on it’s merit.

Chana Chaat and Avo, Kale & friends


I was really inspired by my mum’s willingness to try something that frankly was not in her comfort zone in anyway. How often do we just play it safe, carry on with business as usual and never try to do something really new? It doesn’t always have to be a big thing like moving to another country or dying your hair spirogyra green. It could be the little things; like walking when you would have taken the bus or talking to people when you would otherwise have scrolled through Instagram for the 15th time in a 20 minute time-frame.

I guess all I’m saying is that you have to be willing to do the unexpected every now and again. Maybe it would work, maybe it won’t but it will be fun to try 🙂

Berry Cheesecake

Restaurant – Hello 123

She can She will | Custom infinity dress part 3

DIY Infinity dress

Hi guys!

It’s been a couple of weeks but I’m back with the finale on this infinity dress. I finally had the fitting I spoke to you about and it went reasonably well. Pinch in the waistband, shorten the hemline and lengthen the tails to wrap around more and we were golden! Infinity dresses can be tricky with figuring out the best way to  wrap them so you’re completely covered and supported. My client decided to supplement her infinity dress with a bandeau in the same color as the lining to give herself a little more flexibility.IMG_20180908_222011

This got me thinking, how do you respond when presented with a potentially challenging situation? As in the case of this dress, the alternative was the possibility of unplanned side boobage so she got creative and engineered herself a solution. While challenging situations don’t always present themselves as wardrobe malfunctions, the same theory applies; seize the opportunity to re-engineer the circumstance in your favour. IMG_20180908_222659

So seeing as I am yet to steer you wrong, here are my top three tips on re-engineering every situation to maximize your benefits. (Disclaimer: I have no way to prove that this is fool-proof. Apply at your own discretion. If symptoms persist after 3 days consult your doctor??)

  1. Assess the situation: You can’t fix a problem that you aren’t aware of . Take the time to suss out everything about the situation and pin point your pain points.
  2. Visualize your intended outcome: Now that you know exactly what you want to fix, simply imagine your life with it fixed! Silly as it may sound, visualizing outcomes helps you gain perspective and a clear picture of what completion or success means to you in any situation.
  3. Make it happen girl!: You are very capable of pulling together the resources required to problem solve and remedy challenging situations. Even if you don’t have these resources within your reach, you likely know someone with the skill-set to support you.

The point of all this is that you should not accept the bare   minimum or a less than ideal circumstance simply because that’s what was handed to you to start with. You can and you absolutely should negotiate circumstances to align with your preferred experience. IMG_20180908_222724

You can start that business even though you have very little money, you can get that degree even though you’re new to the field, you can earn 6 figures even though you’re 25, frankly, your options are limitless! There would be several people who won’t believe in you, just don’t be one of them.

She can and she definitely will.

ps. My birthday was this week 🙂 well probably last week when I publish this. I’ve been taking the time to reflect on the past year and pray for the year ahead. Let me know in the comments any attitudes or goals you would like to carry forward

Love Lessons

Thoughts before Valentine’s Day

Hey Guys!

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So Valentine’s day has crept up on us yet again and the overwhelming feeling of despair is setting in…what cute and affordable thing can I get this person (cause to be real Christmas wasn’t so long ago and gifts ain’t cheap), is there somewhere I can build-a-bae? cause I’m not trying to be alone for yet another year, and of course the people who are gearing up to declare their undying love to an unsuspecting crush on this one special day.

Now I was prepared to give some kind of love advice, you know; get her flowers, write her letters, brush her hair and feed her grapes but the truth is, I know nothing!

Last year I got all deep and spoke about the meaning of love and everything I said there still stands so if you’re trying to decide if you love someone feel free to check that out :).

But yes, I have come to terms with the fact that I know next to nothing on the “affairs of the heart”. It’s funny because in high school I considered myself to be the “dear Dolly” of my peers. I had advice on deck for every relationship question known to my teenage mind. Boyfriend not answering your texts? Want him to ask you out? Feeling pressured to stay? I had a response for EVERYTHING! The only problem was that people just never seemed to listen.

I would spend hours advising a friend on why she should leave the toxic relationship that she’s in and she would agree with me only to call me a few days later to tell me that they made up -_-.

I have come to realize however that I wasn’t giving any revolutionary advice. 9 times out of 10 she probably knew exactly what was right and she also knew she wasn’t ready to do what was right. This is the part that baffles me till today, especially when I see myself following the exact same patterns (*gasp!*).

Maybe we’re not really looking for advice but just speaking so we can hear it out loud or maybe we’re really all just a little bit crazy and we don’t want to do what we know would be best.

I don’t know why we do the things we do (and I’m saying we because I feel most people have fallen into this trap of foolishness at some point).

Maybe I do have one teeny tiny piece of advice: Someone thinks you’re more than good enough, Someone wants to be the reason you smile at your phone randomly and there is definitely someone who wants to brush your hair and feed you grapes :p. So don’t sweat it…life, love and lessons happen 🙂 and you’re doing just fine!

Happy almost Valentine’s day.