Joy Comes

Hi Guys!

So this phrase has been on my mind for a few weeks now. Joy comes. I really wanted to include a DIY with this post but honestly between a flu and extra long hours at work I didn’t want to add the pressure of rustling something together. Anyhow, joy comes!

2018 has been a big year of growth for me which sounds really great but in reality there have been a lot of growing pains. Coming to terms with things that I need to change about myself and areas that I need to improve. I can’t really say I am where I need to be but I’m definitely starting to gain some perspective.

I have learned that not addressing past hurt doesn’t make it go away 

At some point I decided that steeping in my hurt feelings was a pointless activity and I really just needed to skip ahead to the part where I don’t feel hurt anymore. This could be with situations involving other people or ways that I have hurt myself. This year I have definitely learned that just because I didn’t address my feelings doesn’t mean that those feelings just disappeared. The root cause of whatever that hurt was lingers and slowly creeps back in when you least expect it. While I still don’t think it’s productive to wallow in disappointment, it isn’t healthy to ignore your feelings. I have had to allow myself to not be okay, to work through why I am not okay and I’m hoping I come out on the other side stronger and more capable.

I have learned to forgive myself

Contrary to what you might think, I’m actually not perfect…shocking I know. Surprised me too! Not being perfect means that sometimes I do things that either hurt others or hurt me. I get lazy, I get broody, I can be impetuous and irrational. In all of this, I learned and frankly am still learning to forgive myself when I get things wrong. You can only love others as much as you love you, so if I don’t forgive myself, it would be that much harder to forgive and give grace to other people. This also ties back to my first point about allowing myself acknowledge my feelings because if I’m honest, sometimes I feel guilty about being sad about things for too long. Reading that back, I feel a little silly  but it’s true. I have had to learn to “forgive my feelings” for lack of a better way to frame that. I wouldn’t always feel how I want to but it’s okay and I mean truly okay.

I have learned that an important part of being happy is choosing to be happy. 

Now while I may not always feel the way I want to, I can always choose happy. Choosing happy for me means surrounding myself with positive words and people. Doing nice things for myself like my nails or my hair. Saying good things about myself to myself. Acknowledging what I am grateful for and letting myself dream about the future. Choosing happy isn’t easy but it’s definitely worth it.

In all of this again I say, joy comes. Someone told me that joy and happiness are not the same thing. Happiness is reactive while joy is proactive. Joy is an overarching state of being that washes over everything in its path. I honestly don’t know why that phrase has been on my mind lately but I really believe it. Joy comes.

It’s the first day of November and we really don’t have much time left in 2018 but I hope joy comes for you real soon 🙂

Let me know in the comments any positive mantras that keep you going